Valory's Journey
Following The Call
I didn't think I'd ever recall my childhood fondly — but now, after so many years of adventure, amidst the rot and decay... I gotta say I miss it! Sure, the days were simple and dull. Tilling the fields (or pretending to). Chatting at the market square when I was meant to sell produce. Carving my flute instead of sowing seeds. Sneaking out the farmhouse to dance the night away at the tavern...! But now, decades later, I'm here — Following a bright light in the night sky that ripped through the Shroud's haze so long ago! Only a few survivors are left, but none I've met have seen the same light in the sky. Hopefully, they don't take my vision as just another one of Val's Valiant Tales to tell by the campfire! Valory
Valory's Journey
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I've Never Trusted The Quiet
It's foreboding and dishonest... so when the birds that guided my step suddenly stopped singing, and when the wind rustling the leaves swelled into a quiet crescendo, I paused. Then, when I caught a glint of light from above — a reflection dancing on the tip of a spear in the treetops — I knew I was trapped. Vukah spears rained down on me like blighted fire on Pikemead's Reach the day it fell. But I've seen enough of this world to know when to duck and dash! Keep your head down when the axe is swinging. I learnt that at the court of kings! So I ran towards the setting sun, letting the rays blind my attackers. I've escaped, and the Vukah won't follow me here. I wonder why... Maybe it is because I'm close to that wondrous light that ripped through the sky all that time ago. If the stars align, I'll finally finish this chapter of my journey. Valory
Valory's Journey
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I Found Her Note!
Queen Jezmina was here, and her Ancient allies summoned the light that led me! What a strange reunion! I still remember her as a little birdie in her mother's lap. Her frail hands could barely hold my lyre. She cried when she broke the middlemost string... I forgave her. She wanted to be friends forever and to seal that promise with blood. What a strange Kindlewaste custom I thought, but why not adopt it? I remember making a shallow cut. Then, I restrung the lyre and she continued to play — cheeks wet from tears and palm spotted with cherry red specks. I still have the scar from that day. Our paths cross again, separated by time. Her goal is mine, and my scar is hers. I trust that my journey won't end when I enter that vessel... There are so many more adventures to be had, after all! Valory
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