The Flame
The Flame watches over the fallen land and provides the Flameborn with the power to defy the Shroud. Deepen your connection to the Flame with sacrificial resources, and its blessings shall further amplify.
The Flame
Strengthen The Flame
Extend its building range
Flame Level 1
Altar activation capacity
Shroud Passage Level
Character Attribute bonuses
Time in the Shroud
Flame Level 2
Altar activation capacity
2 4
Shroud Passage Level
1 2
Character Attribute bonuses
0 1
Time in the Shroud
5 6
Flame Level 3
Altar activation capacity
4 6
Shroud Passage Level
2 3
Character Attribute bonuses
1 2
Time in the Shroud
6 7
Flame Level 4
Altar activation capacity
6 7
Shroud Passage Level
3 4
Character Attribute bonuses
2 3
Time in the Shroud
7 8
Flame Level 5
Altar activation capacity
7 8
Shroud Passage Level
4 5
Character Attribute bonuses
3 4
Time in the Shroud
8 9
Flame Level 6
Altar activation capacity
Shroud Passage Level
5 6
Character Attribute bonuses
4 5
Time in the Shroud
9 10
Upgrade Altar
Extend its building range
Altar Level 1
Altar Level
Building Area
Upgrade Requirements:
Altar Level 2
Altar Level
1 2
Building Area
40×40×40 80×80×80
Upgrade Requirements:
The Flame
Level 2
5 Shroud Core
Altar Level 3
Altar Level
2 3
Building Area
80×80×80 120×120×120
Upgrade Requirements:
The Flame
Level 3
10 Shroud Core
Altar Level 4
Altar Level
3 4
Building Area
120×120×120 160×160×160
Refund Skill Points
Redistribute your skill points
Ask the Flame to reset your current skills and refund your skill points.