Notes From A New Friend
To My Fellow Flamekeeper
I am the reflection upon a slow river's surface that beckons you forth. Unknowable, yet familiar. Alike, yet different. An alluring call from the depths. You've enough spirit left in you to parse my words, unblinded by wrath. What an enticing mystery. Why don't you come to enlighten me, my new friend? Find me behind the mirror and dive into the deep. Bring me forth, towards the horizon — the light — the breeze. You shan't regret it. — Your new friend
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At Your Fingertips
We are in so very deep, my friend. Perhaps you feel as I do: Boundless power. Endless life. An eternal light, simmering in silence, sealed away in spires and sanctuaries — What good can it do there, I ask you? It was aching to be shared. Why don't we reach out together, fellow Flamekeeper? The depths are calling. Come closer, and take my hand. I will pull you in. — Your new friend
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Come Hither
You've made it far. I was right to place trust in you, my benefactor. Why remain bound by earthly chains? The red string of fate is tied around your neck and wrists, cutting into your flesh. You're torn apart by hooks of destiny, anchored between your ribs. Free yourself. Find me in this sea of souls, and escape with me. Reach out. Just a little further, now. Let us ascend together. You know who wrote this.
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