A Young Soldier's Thoughts
My First Day With The Expansion Program
We're not in the barracks anymore. This is the real deal. The new frontline, fresh and freezing! Time to put on a tough face, or else my new mate Connor will pick on me. Everyone around me is a proper soldier, braving the cold for the motherland. How exciting!! Right now, I'm only chopping wood and shooing away rats, but that's gonna change, believe me! I overheard the others talk about some gigantic winged beast while sitting near the ballistae... They won't tell me what it is, but I'll soon see for myself. And when I do, I'll pierce its eye with a single shot! That's sure to impress Connor! — George
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I Want To Go Home
I was carrying ammunition to the ballista with Connor when Howling Peak suddenly roared. Squinting towards the rising smoke, I saw something hiding inside, causing the vapor to swirl... When it broke from the veil of gray, I froze. Screams erupted. Amidst the chaos, a familiar voice called out. "George, get it together! I'll light the balefire, and you shoot!" Connor grabbed a torch and sped towards the bridge. The sky was darkened by wings. His silhouette was tinged in shadow as he vanished into black. With shaking hands, I fired a bolt. Then two. Three — all missed. Unbothered, the winged beast spewed a hot, foul cloud from its mouth that melted our walls. It caught Connor on his way up. That's the last thing I saw before I fainted. I want to go home, but they won't let me. We ain't in the barracks anymore. This is the real deal. — George
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