Southern Caravan
Smoke On The Horizon
A blazing fire dances atop the rooftops of Surat's Rest. We were too late. They came from Raven's Keep — escaped. Now, Surat's Rest is a pyre of madness. I tremble at the sight. What would mother do? She'd move before the sun rose. Leave all baggage behind — swift and silent, carried by the wind. The road to Longkeep is a treacherous one... We must go. Glory to Pikemead. Bless the Ancients. — Jezmina
Caravan Camp
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Axe Found
Jezmina's Apotheosis was found after defeating the Vukah Brawler in the Pillars of Creation.
Southern Caravan Camp
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Sudden Slaughter
I should have been awake. I wasn't. They stormed our camp at night with unforeseen ferocity. Their fur coats were mottled with garnet flecks, now fading to matted rust. We had crossed into their new territory. About half of my brothers and sisters, gone. Absinthe; foul wormwood licorice, a coating vile and bitter, numbing my lips. I fought for them, I raised my axe for them. My armor, ripped away. My hands, forever stained red. We should have never passed through that Vukah Arena. Mother. Please, don't lose hope in me. We share the same blood. I will persevere, for them. And I'll never fail again. — Jezmina
Vukah Arena
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An Old Sight, Rediscovered
I never thought I'd see the sunset on this side of the mountains again. The eventide was brighter when I was young. A vibrant haze of lavender or grape, a mix of tangerine and marigold, a florid blush before the dark. Now, gray. I pray the Ancients protect the northern caravan with their glory and light. I put my faith in Cyrus. Longkeep is in sight... My people tire, but we cannot rest. We have to push harder, for every soul we've lost. Our step must be swift, I learned. I have a strange feeling. This... dread. That I won't be able to linger, that I'll walk alone once more... Why can I not shake this fear? No, this... premonition? — Queen Jezmina
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