The Emptiness Sets In
Forgive Me, Flame
Flame, I ask thee for forgiveness. I merely reached out to admire your beauty and strength, believe me. I'd never even dream of claiming your spark as my own. These accusations are false! I was a magistrate, you know? Renowned and respected! I love the law as if it were my wife, and I'd never betray such a sacred bond. But I've become an outcast, forced to leave my home... Neither hearth, wife, or mistress can warm me. Lift this Hollow curse. I swear on my family that I'm a good person. — Darius
Hidden Hollow Tomb
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It's The Flame's Fault!
I CANNOT BELIEVE they confiscated my mule AND my coin — now I, esteemed magistrate, have to tread on foot. What a lowly, grimy fate. I should tear their heads off one by one for banishing me. My legs gave out, so I was forced to rest at this cemetery. The Hollow roam outside, but they've failed to notice me. Unless... ...they see me as part of their kin? Oh, I shiver. A relentless cold is setting in... No! It must be the open roof! I am not them. I will not turn! — Darius
Hollow Halls
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For taking it all. For ruining my family, my life, my status — and for ruining me. My life is in shambles, set ablaze by your foolish laws and restrictions. They won't bind me any longer! I rebuke the Ancients! I spit on the Flame! Everyone who crosses my path, daring to have a pulse, will be shattered and crushed! The precious lifeblood spilled will warm me at last! DARIUS
Flame Shrine
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