Smuggler Hideout
It Came At Night
It rolled over our hide-out like a tidal wave, frothing and thunderous! We rang the alarm, tried to save the shipment... Amidst the flurry, Reynauld froze in place and just stared at the cloud as it rolled in! Dismas reached out to him, shook him, tried to drag him off... they were both swept away! Eryn swung past me to grab one of the chests. I turned around, yelling her name as she rushed back in... she was hellbent. She gave no response, just silence. I didn't stop running until my legs gave out.
Trade Outpost "Old Rye"
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About Shipment No. 047
Samples of the new wares look adequate. Should be able to slip the cargo past the land guard just fine if we send Eryn. Batting her eyes lets her bypass most patrols, pretty bird she is. Our abettor in The Pike will take care of the rest. The goods should be hauled out to sea soon enough. ...Alas, the last rags ran out. I don't think they fend off much, but the crew feels more at ease with something covering their mouths. Sordid air, lately. I'll tear another shirt and leave it at that.
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