Scavenger Rescue Mission
Risking It All
I thought we had nothin' to lose when we ripped our way into the mire. Now, with the cave collapsing behind us, I ain't sure anymore. Our whole mission is screwed. We already lost a couple of scouts who were meant to return two nights ago. They ain't coming back. Something got 'em and dragged 'em away. The only ones draggin' anyone around should be us!! I ain't scared of nothin'... can't feel fear anymore since the Elixir... but something just ain't right. This bloody swamp gives me the creeps... Ah, could also be the withdrawal, though. Let's just grab our people and dip. Forget the scouting mission. I just wanna drown myself in strawberry wine from good 'ol Glennwood's End.
Raided Scavenger Outpost
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