Northern Caravan
Expedition Log #1
Since our caravan has split into two, every day feels more desperate. How I wish Queen Jezmina had stayed — her grace and beauty would be a much-needed balm. Just yesterday I heard Lazlo sobbing in his tent. We saw signs of survivors at a Flame Sanctum. It was a whole day's diversion — and for nothing. Despite the Shroud encroaching on them, these fools do not feel the need to join our ranks. Let them pray to their Ancients and see how long they survive. We must stay on track... Pikemead's Reach is weeks away. — Commander Cyrus.
Northern Caravan Camp
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Expedition Log #2
Our objective is in sight, but it may be for naught — Pikemead's Reach smolders in the distance. There haven't been reports of active combat in the area, so I wonder if this is the work of man or something else entirely. I cling to hope while speaking to the others, but privately I feel guilty for leading them on. Though it is possible that there could still be survivors, their chances look grim. I curse those worshipers at the Flame Sanctum — if we had only been able to arrive sooner... We will forge onward and see what awaits us at The Pike. — Commander Cyrus.
The Pike
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Commander Cyrus's Fate
"Commander Cyrus"'s ring was found inside the mouth of a large creature in The Pike.
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