Caravan To Longkeep
Survival Depends On Me
I am consumed with worry. It's one thing to mobilize an army, quite another to move entire towns across Embervale. And yet, I am Queen of the Kindlewastes and my kingdom relies on my steadfast leadership. We must light out for other lands. Seek fertile pastures. Find safety. Tomorrow, I will give orders to evacuate and form a caravan to Longkeep... I fear my voice will betray me, shake and quiver. I will push through, for mother. We'll head into a land of fern and moss. Lush greenery, emerald horizons... and yet, I see only darkness. Will my brother, Vorgoth, have the same idea? I cannot bear to face him after what he did to Gormander. My nightmares are drenched in scarlet, still. I hear his voice, and it is unkind. Changed. I must rest. A big day awaits. — Jezmina
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My Visit to Brittlebush
Fear not — I am unharmed. I felt compelled to travel out ahead of the caravan to Brittlebush! Yes, I know it is uncommon... maybe dangerous, as you'd say, dear Cyrus, but nothing could hold me! I spoke to inspire the troubled masses! Many of them had seen firsthand their fields and livestock wither. I feared it would be difficult to gain their attention, but they clung to my words like golden honey. One of them — a striking brunette who introduced herself as a farmer and a cook — spoke up and vehemently agreed with me. "We must go with our Queen!" she shouted as the crowd cheered. I'm filled with hope once more. I can't let them down, Cyrus, even if the journey to Longkeep is long and treacherous. — Jezmina
Ocean's Heart
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