Playing Pranks
He'll Be Fine Down There!
Dieter fares well, cease your prattle! He has shovel and fortitude, he'll be out of the mineshaft shortly. Perhaps he plays a prank on us, that scamp. Pray tell, did you put some provisions in there, Hans..? All the same, he'll survive. Aye, the chest was fine bait... though we had some need of it... fie, should have considered this before...
Scavenger camp with mineshaft
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They nigh blew me to smithereens, those scoundrels! "Dieter, go witness! We discovered a chest in the new tunnel, I swear it! Nay, Dieter, 'tis no jest, observe for yourself!" My mouth is choked with dust, and my hands are numb from digging! My nails splinter... I am famished. Vicious curs! May the Shroud take you all!
Scavenger camp with mineshaft
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