The Oasis
A Hopeful Beginning
An exciting journey begins! I am setting out from Brittlebush where I bargained hard for this map. I wonder if this mysterious Oasis is really as lush as that seller promised? Regardless, I sold all my worldly possessions and purchased enough rations and water to get me there and back again! I almost didn't have enough, but selling my trusty Glider filled my pockets with plenty of coin! Lucky me! I plan to camp by the ancient bones due east.
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Supplies Lost
A blinding sandstorm struck my camp yesterday and buried my supplies!! Such horrific winds... unprecedented! I'm still coughing up sand, and I'm not sure where I've landed... everything was swept away! It's all gone, but I can't turn back already! I sold everything I have to find that Oasis! What’s this…? There seems to be a shimmering in the distance. I could turn back, but I might be closer to my goal than I thought! Did the winds bring me near here...? A blessing in disguise? I'm unafraid! I will investigate what will either be my salvation or my demise!
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The forsaken mirage led me further astray!! I CURSE the man who sold me this map! Water! I need water! My brain has rotted! I see visions!! I spot another oasis, real or imagined, just over the ridge! If I hadn't sold my precious Glider, I could reach it!! Shadows overhead, spinning. A spiral, like unwinding thread. I keep seeing a figure in the corner of my eye — some sort of phantom, a ghost. Mocking me and my rotted brain!! CURSES! This cannot be my last written word! I must be remembered! Please, remember the name "Costner Meyers"! I don't want to fade away!
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