Forever Waiting
Everfrore Keep's Public Citizen's Request Board
Please wait patiently in line. Note that citizens without an appointment cannot submit requests. Thank you kindly for understanding.
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There's Too Much Paperwork!
I can't keep up. I quit! I QUIT!
Approval form B12, not form 812
Follow-up needed, signature left blank, everything is past due
New Gateway Outpost D's building design isn't rule-conform. No one cares, they just build
Why does everyone need burial certificates? Literally why
There are at least 12 official requests every day
7 from Alba, 4 from Bora, 2 from Celeste
How can Outpost A even send 7 Requests
And TWO OF THEM are for not having enough socks?! MAKE YOUR OWN SOCKS goddamn it, why is that even a bureaucratic issue?
This desk job will be the death of me. It doesn't matter what they pay me! Im leaving! And I'm THROWING THE LOST & FOUND CHEST from the balcony, too!
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