A Cry For Help
We are all weary and for lack of rest — but I assure you, I will have more tinctures and remedies ready soon, please be patient. You can pick them up at the tower. I noticed some of you are turning towards unsavory means of protection. I beg of you to refrain from such extreme measures. Blackmarket solutions are highly volatile and dangerous and I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt! You can't know what consumption of such elixirs may possibly cause! — Balthazar
Alchemist Tower
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Protection against the Shroud
The following precautions against The Shroud must be taken at all times: — Don't venture into valleys or near river basins. The Shroud can overtake you quickly. — Avoid contact. DO NOT breathe it and be sure to shield your eyes. — After contact, medicate immediately with approved remedies, and quarantine. Please, ONLY take prescribed medication! Stay clear of the Elixir. Its long-term effects are unknown! — Balthazar
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Never Enough
My spirit is broken. Can I really blame the people for turning away from my potions in their desperation? Most of my visitors these days are rats and other sad pests... so far, they have not proven to be great lab partners. There must be a better way to clear the Shroud... to overcome it. Perhaps I should reconsider my efforts.
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