Slaying The Corrupted Beast
Not Completed
Reach The First Balefire
The Flame has tasked you to slay the corrupted beast that dwells inside Howling Peak.
Triumphing over this being will bring peace to the region and enable a new Flame upgrade, allowing Flame Altars to keep the cold at bay when building.
To wake and draw out the beast, you must light the signal fires ("Balefires") that circle the innermost mountain.
The first balefire is marked on your map. Reach the location to proceed!
Light The First Balefire
You've reached the first location that holds a balefire.
Approach the fire atop the tower near the end of the garrison and light it to proceed!
Find And Light All Balefires
You've lit the first balefire, but your journey has just begun. To draw out the beast, all fires must be lit.
Look around you. From the position of each balefire, you should be able to see other structures in the distance. Each new structure will hold a balefire.
The final one is nestled on the mountain, very high up, in a town called Everfrore Keep.
There are 8 in total, and you must light them all to proceed.
Challenge The Beast On Howling Peak
You woke the beast by lighting all balefires! It's time to end things. Reclaiming the Albaneve Summits and upgrading the Flame with the beast's head will enable you to build safely inside the cold!
Reach the top of Howling Peak and challenge the beast to a fight! The creature is strong, but not invincible. Some of its attacks can be parried.
Howling Peak is best reached by passing through Everfrore Keep.