Ignite The Coldest Elixir Well
Not Completed
Reach The Elixir Well
You've lit the Flame atop the Ancient Spire. You learned that, despite their remoteness, the frozen barrens did not remain untouched. Northern soldiers expanded their territory here and built Elixir Wells tainting the mountain's snow and archaic inhabitants.
You must seek the main Elixir Well and destroy the corrupted evil hiding within to reclaim the mountains!
Don't go unprepared. You will need warm clothes, food, or torches to provide warmth in the harsh cold.
Wool and warm padding kits would be useful for crafting warm armor.
Defeat The "Evil Eye" Inside The Elixir Well
You've reached the main Elixir Well.
Delve into its depths and behead the one-eyed monsters within to fight back the Shroud!
Upgrade The Flame
The Fell Cyclops Head you've gathered can be used to upgrade the Flame.
Feed its power back into the fire to triumph over the Albaneve Summits and press further into the mountains!