Glory To Pikemead, Forever
Not Completed
Investigate Ramone's Lead
Ramone Jones used to be a reporter in Pikemead's Reach, writing about the failings of the newest King Gormander, son of Pikemead. He told you that King Gormander had a statue of Queen Pikemead dismantled and replaced, but parts of the statue might still be around. Ramone Jones has a lead that will guide you to the location of one such piece.
Follow Ramone's lead and find the first piece of the statue!
Find The Second Statue Piece
The hint you've found revealed the location of the statue pieces. The statue of former Queen Pikemead was thrown into the waters by the harbor, but a few pieces were saved.
Perhaps the pieces can be recovered and reassembled. Reach the harbor and search for one of the stashed pieces!
Find The Third Statue Piece
You've found two pieces of the statue, but the rest was thrown into the nearby waters. Reach the farthest corners of the harbor to retrieve the final piece of the Queen Pikemead statue.
Go there and retrieve it from its watery tomb!
Reassemble The Pikemead Statue
You've found all the pieces of the Pikemead statue.
You can reassemble the pieces by using a statue showcase.
Completing the collection will unlock new crafting recipes!