Rare Instruments
Not Completed
Investigate The Honeydews' Last Band Venue
The Bard has told you about her favorite band, The Honeydews, and their rare instruments. The band broke up, but if you investigate their last show, you might be able to find clues to the member's whereabouts.
Investigate the band's last venue to start your search for rare instruments!
Find The Nearby Rare Flute
You've discovered that the first instrument, a rare flute, might still be near the venue in Surat's Rest. The tavern keeper refused to let the former band members stay in his abode after their band breakup. During the night, he heard melodies outside, but couldn't see anyone perform on the streets.
Investigate the surrounding area of the tavern and search for clues, as well as the rare flute!
Find The Rare Harp
Through a note from the Honeydews' flutist, you've discovered that one member, Harper, has left Surat's Rest in a hurry to start her solo career. She left in the direction of a nearby keep.
Explore the keep and search for Harper's rare instrument, as well as hints to the other members!
Find The Rare Drum
Harper complained in a note that one of her former bandmates, Daniel the Damned, ruined their final show by scaring the audience and causing a scene. Through her description, you can assume that Daniel was suffering from an ailment that altered his behavior. He split from the group and traveled to the West.
Investigate the location marked on your map to find Daniel's rare instrument and more clues!
Find The Rare Lute
Daniel the Damned was, as it turns out, truly affected by the Hollow's curse. Before turning, he wrote in his final letter that he hates his former bandmate, Chester Loft the Lucky Lute, who was headed straight to a nearby Scavenger fort. Daniel hopes that Chester suffers a dark fate there.
Reach the Scavenger fort and find Chester's rare lute there!