The Alchemist's Mortar
Not Completed
Reach The Alchemist's Tower
Find the Alchemist's Mortar in order to unlock more crafting recipes. It's hidden in the Alchemist Tower in Lone Thistle, somewhere below the surface.
Search The Alchemist's Basement
You've reached the Alchemist's tower! Search his basement to find his laboratory!
Find A Way Inside The Laboratory
The door to the Alchemist's underground laboratory seems to be locked, but his Mortar should be inside. There must be some sort of hidden mechanism to open it somewhere in the tower.
Find The Hidden Button
The Alchemist writes about experiencing pain after activating the button which opens his laboratory door.
Place The Mortar
The Mortar was found inside the Alchemist's hidden laboratory behind a closed door. It should be returned to it's rightful owner.
Placing the Mortar in the base will enable new crafting recipes.