Sister, Sister
Where Are You, My Sister?
Dearest Lupa — When we got separated I was beside myself with fear. I searched and searched for what felt like days... only to encounter Rodalton, a thief from Umber Hollow who said you'd been taken by the Contractor. Why is he taking children down into that wretched place? Despite his cruelty, this thief assured me you were still alive — albeit a prisoner. He promised to slip you this note. Sister! I know you well enough to say that you will not remain shackled for long. When you do escape, return home and we shall have our revenge! Lovingly, Kendal
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A Note To Kendal
Sister! Have my notes gotten through to you? I've missed you greatly this past year. That vile Contractor tried to lock me up in a cellar in Jasper Isles, but you were correct. He couldn't keep me shackled for long! I'm sorry I've been out of touch, but I've been keeping my head down... Umber Hollow isn't any better or worse than Surat's Rest. Two sides of the same coin, like us! More bar fights, perhaps — but I can handle them! The Nomad Highlands are without order. One day, we must eclipse this chaos, sister. What do you say? Your sister, Lupa
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I Will Reach You
Lupa — I could no longer wait. With bated breath, I traveled to Umber Hollow to confront the Contractor. At knifepoint he told me that you'd escaped out of the frying pan and into the fire! He said you'd been arrested and locked up in Raven's Keep! Do not worry. His throat is slit, his body cold. He won't bother our family again. They all wither and die the same... mirrored pieces of the same puzzle. Raven's Keep cannot hold you, sister. I will set you free. Stay sharp and ready for my rescue. We shall have our revenge and unite this land. By your side, Kendal
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