Fisher's Tale
They Live Below!
It's true! Glowing wisps, celebrating!! Dancing all jolly, gleefully under the waves! At dawn, deep below the water's glimmering surface, I saw lights! Gleaming from the deep... after Pikemead's passing, no less!! People scoff and laugh, but I know what I saw. Is it a sign? Will she return? Perhaps fortune smiles upon the world at last!
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Glory Rises From The Depths Once More!
Dearest people, hear my tale! It is true! They've returned! I've seen the wisps with my own eyes, down by White Wind's shores, brighter than ever before! They've returned to bring glorious light from the depths, hailing from the cove! Do not fret! They are our reptilian brothers! Glistening, scaly backs peek out from beneath the waters, ready to carry you to safer shores! Good fortune must be upon us!! Our war will end, the craze for the Elixir will subside! The water and rain will clear, and the soil stop to sour! Good omens are all around!
White Wind
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