Polaris Falls Cyclops Cave
Gotta Fix That Fence
I can't have my goats wander off with these one-eyed beasts nearby.
I don't know where their goddamn cave is, but I sure hope they stay there. Can't stand to lose another goat... meat supply is runnin' awfully low, and I won't go back to eating rats!
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Big Brain Tactics
The new order says that we gotta keep an eye on this bridge. A Cyclops cave was found nearby, so we have to "protect the trade route!"
I'm not worried. A Cyclops' brain is the size of a pea. Sure, their strength is formidable — but I got 4 lads here, and they're each broad as a brick house. Better yet: they're not very bright either, so they're easy to push around!
In conclusion: This will be a breeze. Unless my guys start a riot... Now that I think about it, I haven't paid them in a while.
Oh well. If their tiny, smooth brains can't figure out that I've stashed their payment in a chest right below their noses, then it's their fault.
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